FOCUSTEK's Manpower

Our Employees are our Company
Since its establishment in January 2007 (as of April 2021), Focustek has employed more than 180 people.

  • 62 permanent employees, 118 contractual employees

  • 15 employees who have been working for more than 11 years, 18 employees who have been working for more than 5 years

  • 153 Male employees, 27 Female employees

Organizational Chart of FOCUSTEK

Focustek's core values are employees with technology and experience. We are operating an efficient organization that creates the best synergy.

Focustek Manufacturing Services Pvt. Ltd.

Tel. 01244282696 Mob. +919311143461 P.No. 188, Sector-4, IMT Manesar, Gurgaram, Haryana-122050